• Bronze tripod cauldron

Bronze tripod cauldron
Bronze tripod cauldron
Bronze tripod cauldron

Bronze tripod cauldron

Metal (Bronze)
Incomplete, restored
Height: 53 cm. Diameter: 64 cm.
Northwest House
Late Bronze Age. Neopalatial period, Late Minoan ΙI period.:
1500-1450 BC:
Exhibition thematic unit:
Late Bronze Age - Neopalatial period (1700-1450 BC). Private and public life. Bread and circuses
Public life and social events - The communal mess
Bronze tripod cauldron with three horizontal handles on the rim. The deep cylindrical body of the vessel is formed of two sheets of bronze riveted together. The three legs are attached to the narrow strip of metal forming the bottom of the vessel. The preservation of even a few cauldrons provides information on the techniques used to make them and their use for display at social gatherings such as banquets, given that metal objects were often recycled so their valuable material could be reused.
Evans, A.J. The Palace of Minos: A Comparative Account of the Successive Stages of the Early Cretan Civilization as Illustrated by the Discoveries at Knossos. Vol. II,2. London, 1928, 629, fig. 392. Clarke, C.F. The manufacture of Minoan metal vessels: theory and practice. PhD: The Australian National University, 2012, 31-32, fig. 5.
G. F.

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