• [ΚΕΝΟ]


Bronze male figurine

Metal (Bronze)
Height: 3.9 cm.
Psili Korfi
Middle-Late Bronze Age. Neopalatial period, Middle Minoan ΙΙΙ - Late Minoan I period.:
1700 - 1450 BC:
Exhibition thematic unit:
Late Bronze Age - Neopalatial period (1700-1450 BC). Minoan religion - Domestic and open-air cult
Open-air Sanctuaries The Peak Sanctuaries.
Very small bronze male figurine, standing on an integral base with a rounded point to support it. The head is featureless. The figure is depicted with right hand raised to the forehead and the left held down at the side. This gesture is the most frequently seen posture of adoration in Neopalatial clay and bronze worshipper figurines. While clay figurines of adorants are very common offerings at the peak sanctuaries, bronze figurines are much rarer. They are thought to be offerings made by wealthier and more prominent dedicators, due to their more expensive material and more specialised production technique. Quite a large number of bronze figurines has been found at Juktas, further proof of the connection of the sanctuary with the ruling class of the Knossos-Archanes area.
Karetsou, A. "The Peak Sanctuary of Mt. Juktas." In R. H?gg and N. Marinatos (eds), Sanctuaries and Cults in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the First International Symposium at the Swedish Intititute in Athens, 12-13 May 1980, Stockholm, 1981, 137-153. Verlinden, C. Les Statuettes Anthropomorphes Cr?toises en Bronze et en Plomb du IIIe Mill?nnaire au VIIe Si?cle av. J.-C. Archaeologica Transatlantica 4. Providence et Louvain-La-Neuve, 1984.
E. S.

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