• [ΚΕΝΟ]


Clay Medusa Bowl

Restored in a few places and mended from several sherds
Height: 7 cm.Rim diameter: 20 cm.
Hellenistic period:
230-220 BC:
Exhibition thematic unit:
Classical - Hellenistic - Roman period (5th c. BC-4th c. AD). Cities and Sanctuaries
War - Destructions of Cities
This bowl is black-glazed, with incised circles dividing its inner surface into three zones. The decoration on the interior consists of clay wash (in the West Slope Style), white paint, incised and mould-made ornaments. From the outside in, the first zone is adorned with brown bands ending in tassels and tied with white bows. The second zone contains drops, while the third has semicircles joined at the ends. In the centre of the vessel is a relief Medusa head. Similar bowls with a relief medallion Medusa head, known as "Medusa bowls", are known in Crete from the Hellenistic period, and their production centre is thought to be a Knossian pottery workshop. The bowl was found in a house in ancient Lyttos, a city destroyed by Knossos in 220-221 BC.
Lebessi Α., “Αρχαιότητες και μνημεία κεντρικής και ανατολικής Κρήτης”, Αρχαιολογικό Δελτίο vol. 26 (1971) Μέρος Β’ 2-Χρονικά, 493-501, pl. 513. Egglezou Μ., Ελληνιστική κεραμική Κρήτης. Κεντρική Κρήτη, Athens, 2005, 98, pls 55γ and 105γ.
S. P.

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