Metal (Bronze)
Almost intact, corroded and flaking surfaces, cracks in places, limited restoration on frame
Height: 17.5 cm. Length: 23.5 cm.
Axos (probably)
Early Archaic period:
650-640 BC:
Exhibition thematic unit:
Geometric - Archaic - Classical period (10th - 4th c. BC). The Sanctuaries. From Minoan cult to the amalgamation of religious beliefs
Bronze mitra (belly guard), a movable piece of armour attached by links to the lower part of the cuirass to protect the hoplite’s abdomen. It bears repoussé decoration in low relief, highlighted and complemented by incisions on the outlines and decorative details. It probably depicts a cult scene focussed on a bird in the centre, perched on a lotus flower or a stylised tree. Two pairs of male figures stand symmetrically on either side. The central figures are holding a wreath over the bird’s head together, while the two secondary figures behind them are running to attend the event with particularly lively movements of the limbs (also interpreted as dancing movements). All are wearing loincloths and short-sleeved chitons, have long hair falling in front and behind to the shoulders, and are standing on a stepped base probably representing the architecture of the sacred space. It has also been suggested that the scene may depict the epiphany of the goddess in the shape of a bird to her mortal worshippers. Incised running spiral motifs and filled triangles adorn the double zone surrounding the main scene.
F. Poulsen, "Ein kretische Mitra", Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung 31(1906), 373–91, Taf. 23. D. Levi, "I Bronzi di Axos", Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene 13-14, 1930-31, 138-139, fig. 35-36. E. Kunze, Kretische Bronzereliefs, Stuttgart 1931, 229, 234, 246. F. Matz, Geschichte der griechischen Kunst, Bd. 1 (1950), 459, 489, pl. 271. J. Boardman, The Cretan Collection in Oxford. The Dictaean Cave and Iron Age Crete, Oxford 1961, 141, 170, fig. 55Α, 170. H. Hoffmann, Early Cretan Armorers, Mainz 1972, 25 - 6, 31, 37, pl. 46,1, fig. 47,1. A. Lebessi, Οι στήλες του Πρινιά, Athens 1976, 58, 97, pl. 43α. P. Blome, Die figurliche Bildwelt Kretas in der geometrischen und fruharchaischen Periode, Mainz am Rhein 1982, 85. A. Lebessi, Το ιερό του Eρμή και της Aφροδίτης στη Σύμη Βιάννου Ι: 1. Χάλκινα κρητικά τορεύματα, Athens 1985, 93, n. 164, 141, 145, 203-205.
K. S.
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