• [ΚΕΝΟ]


The “Cretan Polis” ➔ Bronze hunter figurine

Metal (Bronze)
Mended, head and feet missing
Max. Preserved Height: 12.1 cm.
Sanctuary of Hermes and Aphrodite
Early Archaic period:
640-630 BC:
Exhibition thematic unit:
Geometric - Archaic - Classical period (10th - 4th c. BC). The Sanctuaries. From Minoan cult to the amalgamation of religious beliefs
Bronze archer figurine at the moment of loosing his arrow at his imaginary quarry. He has a quiver over his shoulder and is wearing a short tunic. Stylistically, this figurine shares many features with the bronze cut-out plaques from the same sanctuary, leaving open the possibility that they were made by the same artist. One of the attributes of Hermes, who was worshipped at the sanctuary, is that of protector of hunters. This is evident from the many votives, figurines and cut-out plaques found near the altar of the god, depicting hunters bringing their game to him as an offering. These objects may have been dedicated during specific rites of passage marking the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
Lebessi Α., “ Ιερόν Ερμού και Αφροδίτης εις Σύμην Κρήτης”, Πρακτικά της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρίας 1972", 193-203. Verlinden, C. Les statuettes anthropomorphes crétoises en bronze et plomb, du IIIe millénaire au VII siècle av J-C., Louvain-la-Neuve, 1984, 224. Lebessi Α., Το Ιερό του Ερμή και της Αφροδίτης στη Σύμη Βιάννου ΙΙΙ. Τα χάλκινα ανθρωπόμορφα ειδώλια, Athens, 2002, 23ff.
S. P.

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