Gold cut-out of divine triad
Χ-Α415 + Χ-Α1387
Metal (Gold)
Mended from several fragments, much of the scene is missing
Max. Preserved Height: 3.4 cm.Max. Preserved Length: 4.9 cm.
Idaean Cave
Geometric- Early Archaic period:
745-630 BC:
Exhibition thematic unit:
Geometric - Archaic - Classical period (10th - 4th c. BC). The Sanctuaries. From Minoan cult to the amalgamation of religious beliefs
Sacred Caves
Gold cut-out foil with partially preserved scene. The lower part of a frontal female figure is visible. She is wearing a rich garment and has her arms spread and lowered. Two male figures in loincloths are gripping her wrists. This is a gesture of familiarity and support, but is also often found in a cult context. At the female figure’s feet are two stools, while the whole scene is set within a rectangular frame. It is believed to depict the Dioscuri as assistants to a goddess.
Levi D., “Una città cretese all’alba della civiltà ellenica” Annuario della scuola archeologica di Atene 10-12 (1927-1929), 697-710.
Levi D., “Gleanings from Crete”, American Journal of Archaeology 49 (1945), 270-329, fig. 29.
Stampolidis N. Chr. - Karetsou A. (eds) Ανατολική Μεσόγειος, Κύπρος-Δωδεκάνησα-Κρήτη, 16ος-6ος αι. π.Χ., Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης-Υπ.Πο. ΚΓ’ ΕΠΚΑ, Heraklion, 1998, 267.
S. P.
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