• Large bridge-spouted jar

Large bridge-spouted jar
Large bridge-spouted jar

Large bridge-spouted jar

Incomplete, mended and restored
Height: 59 cm. Diameter: 25 cm.
Palace, Loomweight Basement
Middle Bronze Age. Protopalatial period, Middle Minoan ΙΙΒ period:
1750-1700 BC:
Exhibition thematic unit:
Middle Bronze Age - Protopalatial period (1900-1700 BC). The First Palaces. The emergence of palatial societies
Palaces of Knossos and Phaistos. Kamares Ware
Bridge-spouted jars were particularly popular table ware for serving liquids in Minoan Crete during the Old and New Palace periods. Usually small or medium-sized, with ovoid or piriform body, they feature a distinctive grooved “bridged spout” on the mouth and two horizontal handles placed opposite each other on either side of the spout. The size of this jar from the palace of Knossos shows that it was probably mainly used for the temporary storage of food. Its decoration is in the polychrome Kamares Style, the central ornament being the wide zone of white running spirals on the body, between white and orange-red bands and zones of white crescents. The Kamares Ware vessels found in the palace complexes were intended for display at the banquets of the ruling class, as their fine quality and striking decoration indicate.
Evans, A.J. The Palace of Minos: A Comparative Account of the Successive Stages of the Early Cretan Civilization as Illustrated by the Discoveries at Knossos. Vol. I, London, 1921, fig. 192a.
I. N.

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