Bronze votive cuirass

Bronze votive cuirass

Metal (Bronze)
Mended from many pieces. Restored on upper left part and most of the back
Height: 38 cm. Length of base: 23 cm.
Afrati Pediada
Sanctuary of Arkades
Early Archaic period:
650 BC:
Exhibition thematic unit:
Geometric - Archaic - Classical period (10th - 4th c. BC). The Sanctuaries. From Minoan cult to the amalgamation of religious beliefs
Cult caves
Bronze cuirass consisting of two bronze plates joined at the sides. The left plate preserves part of a rivet, while only the attachment hole is preserved on the right. The pectoral muscles are plastically rendered. This is a unique example of a votive cuirass of this size, about half life-size. Similar but miniature cuirasses have been found at many Cretan sanctuaries, in Dreros, Praisos and Axos.
Α. Lebessi, Αρχαιολογικό Δελτίο Τόμος 20 (1965) Μέρος Β3΄ Χρονικά p. 554, pl. 697α. Α. Lebessi, Αρχαιολογικό Δελτίο Τόμος 24 (1969) Μέρος Β2 Χρονικά pp. 415ff.
M. K.

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